The Band

The Hong Kong Delia Band (HKDB) was established in September 2017, and is the successor of the DMS Old Comrades Band (DMSOCB). HKDB is a band ensemble regardless of age and borders. The purpose is to cultivate the fun of windbrass and percussion enthusiasts through systematic training, performances and other outreach activities. HKDB The members of the founding group are mostly former students of the Band of Delia Memorial School. Among them, they have become professional performers and wind music instructors, and there are also active amateur performers, and their family members also participate. The current music director and conductor is Mr. Jacobus CHONG.
HKDB in addition to participating in regional events and concerts, it also participates in overseas exchange activities, including the Taiwan Kaohsiung Wind Festival, the Thailand International Orchestra Festival, and the Macau Philharmonic Festival.